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Expected to die, today he’s inspiring others to truly live.

World-renowned inspirational speaker + national bestselling author John O’Leary wants to help you wake up from accidental living so you can do, be, achieve and impact more through your life.

Join John twice a week!

  • Every Monday, John shares a quick burst of inspiration to help start your week on fire.
  • Every Thursday, John interviews an amazing guest on their story, successes, failures, lessons, and life to help you uncover tips to apply in yours.

Find the Live Inspired Podcast here:

Oct 31, 2022

I love Halloween. And I love getting dressed up for it. But for many of us, masking our true selves isn’t reserved for once a year. For many, it’s Halloween all the time.

We wear masks in seeking approval from others.

We may mold our words, our opinions and even our appearance to fit whatever room we’re in. And in...

Oct 27, 2022

We all have moments of trauma, abuse, childhood wounds, or toxic relationships that have broken us. And yet, our past brokenness doesn’t have to stand in the way of a life of filled with hope, joy and peace.


In sharing her own journey of processing brokenness, Toni Collier reminds each of us of the bright light that...

Oct 24, 2022

If you needed a motto to tell the world what matters most to you, what would it say? If a single tattoo could articulate what guides your life, how would it read? After returning safely from his first tour in Iraq, Cpl. Todd Nicely pondered these questions and then engraved a permanent reminder of lessons he had...

Oct 20, 2022

Six months into his second deployment, Corporal Todd Nicely of the United States Marine Corps stepped on an improvised explosive device (IED) during a routine security patrol. The squad leader is one of only two modern day veterans that have endured battlefield injuries resulting in the loss of all four limbs and...

Oct 17, 2022

Over the past two months, I’ve had the honor of speaking to healthcare leaders across different disciplines, employed by different hospital systems, located in different geographic regions and serving very different populations.

Regardless their size, geography, or patient population served, though, I’ve reminded...