Jan 14, 2021
Matt Miller is a proven + award-winning leader who
focuses on building positive relationships that lead to impactful +
measurable change. His motto is “love is key” and I’m honored
to share that he joined our team as Lead Live Inspired Coach last
We first met eight years ago, I was invited to speak at the
elementary school where Matt was principal. His devotion,
attentiveness and respect for and from the teachers +
faculty was unmatched. Even more impressive was his
ability to empower young students to become leaders
and harness their unique gifts.
Today Matt will share his best tips on how
to strengthen your leadership, liberate yourself from
personal + professional challenges and set attainable goals to make
2021 your best year yet.
- Growing up in the small town of Corning, Iowa, Matt credits his
four grandparents as the reason he works hard, wakes up early and
enjoys gardening.
- Even as a young lifeguard, Matt has had a passion for the kids
that needed the extra help which led him to become a special
education teacher and then spending 23 years as a principal.
- Matt enjoyed watching children, especially those that needed
extra help, succeed. Quickly realizing the important role teachers
+ administrators played in students’ success, he pursued becoming a
- Students of effective teachers can confidently answer “yes” to
these two questions: Does my teacher care about me? Is my teacher
committed to my success?
- How we see things determines our behavior which determines the
results that we get.
- Power of popsicles: On his first day as
principal, Matt used popsicles to build relationships with
notorious troublemakers by empowering them to be leaders in their
community, an approach that surprised veteran staff members.
- At our 2014 LAUNCH Leadership Conference, Matt shared the
strategy he was using to lead young elementary students in setting
+ attaining goals which had a profound impact on influential
business leaders.
- Live Inspired Coaching pillars:
- Find your one: what’s the one thing you want
to get focused on this week?
- Stay in your circle: The only person we have
control over is ourselves. If we’re not happy with the results that
we’re given, go back to the top and ask, “how can I see this
differently,’ or “who can help me see this differently?”
- Take the next right step.
- The Live Inspired Coaching program has empowered thousands of
individuals achieve their personal + professional goals through our
exclusive, personalized and unmatched process built on inspiration,
personal leadership principles and individual accountability plans.
Learn more here.
- “What we choose not to do is just as important as what we
choose to do.”
- “The mind quits before the body.”
- As individuals, we need three things: A goal, plans to
achieve that goal and agency of ourselves.
- Love family, love others. What are we grateful for?
- “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” –
Stephen Covey
- How to make 2021 your best year yet?
- What is the one thing I want to get better at?
- What is in your circle that you can do every day to take that
next right step?
- What is a relationship that needs improvement in my life?
- Matt mentions how Live Inspired Podcast guest Doug Lindsay’s
perspective on hope resonated deeply with him. Learn more about
Doug + his resilient journey on ep. 322.
- Read the guest blog by Len Dino I referenced here.
- Transform your work. Transform your life.
Learn more about our exclusive, personalized and unmatched process
Live Inspired Coaching here.
- Gather + grow. Join our community of
like-minded individuals in Live Inspired In Studio here.
1. What is the best book you’ve ever
read? The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
People by Stephen Covey.
2. What is a characteristic or trait that you
possessed as a child that you wish you still exhibited
today? Free spirit.
3. Your house is on fire, all living things and
people are out. You have the opportunity to run in and grab one
item. What would it be? Handwritten notes from all
the kids, parents and teachers but specifically the first note my
dad ever wrote me as a freshman in college.
4. You are sitting on a bench overlooking a
gorgeous beach. You have the opportunity to have a long
conversation with anyone living or dead. Who would it
be? All four of my grandparents and I want to tell
them how appreciative I am.
5. What is the best advice you’ve ever
received? My wife Annie telling me to get my Master's
when seeing my passion for teaching children.
6. What advice would you give your 20-year-old
self? Continue to think outside the box.
7. It’s been said that all great people can have
their lives summed up in one sentence. How do you want yours to
read? Loved family. Loved others.
About our sponsor: Keeley Companies
wholeheartedly believes that if you get the people right -the
results will follow. They set themselves apart with a
forward-thinking culture that empowers their people and
fosters loyal partnerships. Keeley Companies are a proud
sponsor, partner, and super fan of the Live Inspired Podcast.
Learn more about Keeley