Apr 5, 2018
"He wasn't trapped, he chose to stay and help others."
Matthew Weiss, Esq. was a lawyer. He didn't seek an opportunity to become a filmmaker; but a story that needed to be told found him.
The story of Welles Crowther was shared with him over lunch one day: On September 11, 2001, Welles was 24 and worked in the World Trade Center. The acts of heroism he displayed that day have inspired song lyrics, parents to name their children after him and President Obama's dedication speech for the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.
Matt created the documentary Man in Red Bandana to inspire the world to be more selfless.
Today, Matt shares about the heroic final hour of Welles's life + how we can learn to live more inspired through the example of the "man in the red bandana."
1. What is the best book you’ve ever read? The E Myth, by Michael Gerber.
2. Tomorrow you discover your wealthy uncle shockingly dies at the age of 103; leaving you millions. What would you do with it? I would definitely help people. I'd be the perfect guy for that to happen to.
3. Your house is on fire, all living things and people are out. You have the opportunity to run in and grab one item. What would it be? My family photos and videos; to me everything else can be replaced.
4. You are sitting on a bench overlooking a gorgeous beach. You have the opportunity to have a long conversation with anyone living or dead. Who would it be? Elon Musk. This guy is a rock star. The guy is just phenomenal.
5. What is the best advice you’ve ever received? It is about gratitude and being grateful. That shift of being grateful is tremendous.
6. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself at age 20? Live every day like it is your last. Take it all in.
7. It’s been said that all great people can have their lives summed up in one sentence. How do you want yours to read? He was a selfless giving guy who really cared about others.
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I can’t wait to see you here next Thursday! Today is your day. Live Inspired.
Live Inspired with John every day on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and get his Monday Motivation email: www.JohnOLearyInspires.com/Monday-Morning