Nov 30, 2023
In 1995, a 16-year-old Bobby Bostic found himself caught up in a
series of poor choices including robbery and armed criminal action.
Judge Evelyn Baker, convinced he was a lost cause, handed down a
jaw-dropping 241-year sentence on him, parole only becoming a
glimmer of hope at the ripe age of 112.
While serving the...
Nov 27, 2023
Regardless of where the event is, how large the group is, or what the makeup of the crowd is, I love the audiences we get to serve.
By the end of our brief time together, there is always a connection, always a bond. That shared experience and exchange of energy is what makes this work truly life-giving. It’s also why...
Nov 23, 2023
I consider Thanksgiving one of my favorite family holidays. It's certainly a wonderful time away from work, enjoying good food, viewing football, and taking inventory of the many blessings in life.
Join me as I share a tradition I've been implementing at my family feast the last few years. Today's episode will ignite...
Nov 20, 2023
Are you a turkey person?
And no, I’m not talking about the makeup of your Thanksgiving dinner plate this week.
I’m talking about a question that when asked the first time went on to change the life of the individual that heard it. And years later when I heard it, did the same for me.
It’s a question that’s...
Nov 16, 2023
In 2007, Brad Formsma had an idea to inspire people around the globe to live generously. After selling his landscaping company, Brad became the Founder & President of I Like Giving, a movement which has inspired more than 125 million people in 170 countries to live generously.
Today, Brad joins us to share practical...