Nov 24, 2016
"Discipline becomes dormant in the absence of a dream. So dream big."
This quote is from today’s guest, Rory Vaden.
Rory is an expert and a coach on self-discipline. He’s written books about it, built his business around it but most amazingly – has built a life inspired by it.
Today he is a bestselling author,...
Nov 17, 2016
No matter what you are going through, you will get through it.
I met today’s guest, German-born, bestselling author, journalist and teacher of resilience Michaela Haas, earlier this year when she interviewed me for her column in the “New York Times of Germany.”
Michaela wanted to share about my book ON...
Nov 10, 2016
January 18th, 2017 will be the 30th anniversary of a very important day for me.
I'd been laying in a hospital bed for a full day after being burned on 100% of my body. I couldn't move. My eyes were swollen shut. Into that darkness came my very special hero, the voice of the St. Louis Cardinals Cardinals, Jack Buck.
Nov 3, 2016
Addiction and cancer threatened her life, but grace and endurance gave it back to her.
In a world where the media frequently loves to buy, sell, trade and speak in fear, Teri Griege realizes and honors that the human spirit is powered by hope and starved for inspiration.
She has made it her life's work to be a pillar of...