Mar 23, 2023
rowing up on the east side of Detroit next to a drug house,
Martinus Evans had to fight his entire life. In his early 20s when
he was faced with the choice “lose weight or die”, Martinus
vowed to run a marathon (without realizing a marathon is over
26 miles!).
Since then, Martinus has run eight marathons and hundreds of other
races in his 300-something pound body, been featured in
Men’s Health and Runner’s World and created his
own devoted community for those who feel intimidated about
Today’s conversation is more than taking the next right step in believing in yourself. Join us on a journey of courage, determination, endurance and what it means to love ourselves unconditionally.
And my friends, as we celebrate Martinus’ accomplishments, you’ll gain encouragement for what you can do in your own life.