Apr 26, 2018
"Don't think of your age."
When asked how to actively age, 87-year-old Sister Madonna Buder, nicknamed "The Iron Nun" in her 2016 Nike Ad, shared the above.
She continued with, "Just keep moving." Sr. Buder began running at 48. She has since completed 45+ ironman races, 300+ triathlons and won her age group dozens of times.
My friends, if you think you’re too old, too late, too inexperienced, too anything, to embrace a new dream in your life... then you absolutely cannot miss today’s episode.
Sr. Madonna Buder, the Iron Nun, will encourage you to go ALL IN for your dreams, no matter your age or perceived limitation. Join us!
1. What is the best book you’ve ever read? The Bible, even though I've never read the whole thing!
2. Tomorrow you discover your wealthy uncle shockingly dies at the age of 103; leaving you millions. What would you do with it? I'd have to employ someone to decide which worthy causes to give it to.
3. Your house is on fire, all living things and people are out. You have the opportunity to run in and grab one item. What would it be? My birth certificate.
4. You are sitting on a bench overlooking a gorgeous beach. You have the opportunity to have a long conversation with anyone living or dead. Who would it be? I'd go straight to the source, God Himself! The older I get the more questions I have, not answers.
5. What is the best advice you’ve ever received? From my grandfather, "If there is anything worth doing it is worth doing well."
6. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself at age 20? Always consult with your maker.
7. It’s been said that all great people can have their lives summed up in one sentence. How do you want yours to read? In gratitude for all you have made, including me.
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I can’t wait to see you here next Thursday! Today is your day. Live Inspired.
Live Inspired with John every day on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and get his Monday Motivation email: www.JohnOLearyInspires.com/Monday-Morning